
You smoke - you die faster!

Smoking is very harmful not only for smokers but also for those who are near the smokers. This addiction causes heart ant pulmonary diseases, cancer and a lot of other horrifying diseases. The worse thing is that smoking causes psychological dependence. Therefore should smoking be banned or allowed in public places.

There are two different opinions in our society, to ban smoking in public places or not. Firstly people are convinced that smoking in public places is appreciable as a society health problem. They think that smoking should be banned, because smoke harms all of us. On the other hand we ought to respect smoker’s interests and alternatives. Everyone is responsible for their self health. However these people who smoke are dependent on smoking, so in future they can try to use other drugs. The more people become addicts the worse our society will be. Though, to stop smoking requires a lot of amenities so for some smokers this can be too hard to do it. Adding up smokers can unwind and relax just when they are smoking. Such is their lifestyle. 180 So this question has two different sides. Although smoking is very harmful not only for smokers but for all of us who are near smokers, smokers alternative should be respected.
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