
Everything about poker odds

Poker Odds
Before discussing poker odds, it is important to define the different types of odds which apply to the game of texas hold em poker.

  • Pot Odds - the odds you get when you look at the size of the pot, versus how much more you have to put in to remain in the hand.
  • Implied Odds - the odds you will get after everyone has acted.  This is based on your predictions of how your opponents will respond (on each remaining round of betting).
  • Outs - the number of cards left in the deck which will improve your hand.
How to Calculate Outs
Outs are calculated using simple division.  The numerator (number on top) is the number of outs you have.  The denominator, or number on the bottom, is the number of cards left in the deck.  Divide the number of outs by the number of unseen cards, to determine your odds of getting the necessary card.  This gives you the percentage, or likelihood, that you will make your hand.  You can also leave this number as a ratio.
Example:  You have AQ of hearts.  Two hearts fall on the flop, and a spade on the turn.  How many outs do you have?  There are 9 hearts to make your flush.  There are 46 unseen cards.  Your outs ratio is 9/46, or 19%.  This gives you a 1 in 5 chance of making your flush.  Outs Chart
How to Calculate Pot Odds
To calculate your pot odds, you first need to calculate your chances of winning the pot (outs ratio).  Next, determine the ratio between the size of the pot and the bet you need to call.  If your chance of winning is higher than this ratio, you have good pot odds.  If your chance of winning is lower, your pot odds are poor, and you should likely fold the hand.
For example:  If you need one card to make a flush, your outs ratio is 1 in 5.  Your opponent bets $10.  If you call, the pot will be $300.  $300/$10 is 30, so you would make 30 times more than your bet.  1/5 is higher than 1/30, so you are getting great pot odds.


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